Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Simple Success Formula

We have got the sequence to success in life all wrong. Let me see if I can explain.

You see, we don't accomplish success, because we are afraid of taking risks. We are afraid of taking hazards because we are afraid of failure. We are afraid of failure because we are afraid of what people might think. We are afraid of what people might believe because we miss self-confidence. All this Pbs to more than low self-esteem and additional gnaws our opportunities of success.

So...No success = Fear of taking risks-caused by-Fear of failure-caused by-Fear of rejection -caused by deficiency of self-confidence.

The Success expression is actually reversed. Its more than like this....You have got utmost self-confidence sol you're not afraid of what people might think.This do you not afraid of failing. Since you're not afraid of failing, then you're also not afraid of taking risks. This ultimately takes to success in any missionary post you undertake. This also hikes your self-esteem further.

Heres the Formula= High Self-esteem-leads to-Not being afraid of what others think-this takes to-Not being afraid of failure-which takes to-Not being afraid of taking risks, ultimately leading to SUCCESS!

"Its alright to be afraid. Fear is not absent in the lives of successful people, they have got learned how to step forward in malice of it" states Peggy Mcoll . When you experience fear, retrieve the look "It is better to step forward into growing than to step back into safety" Work on your ego regard through being aware, through perennial affirmations.

As for what others might think...remember statistics demo that 95% of people don't think. They just have got pre-formed opinions, usually other peoples opinions. So worrying about what they believe is a waste material of your time. It maintains you from accomplishing your goals.

You can be successful at anything you just have got to work on your ego esteem, flop through the fearfulness and then work diligently on your goals. Remember chances are always coming at have got to maintain your eyes and head unfastened to acknowledge them.

Stop Chasing Freedom....attract it

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